Summer Teen Nights
Each Tuesday evening during the summer, teenagers from all around Maryland gather at Beachmont to play games and have fun, and experience the good news of Jesus Christ through fellowship, worship, and the preaching of God's word.
Activities include dodgeball, basketball, volleyball, GaGa, Poison (camp dodgeball), ultimate frisbee, swimming, and more! After hanging out and playing games, everyone gets together for worship and to hear a message from a local Christian leader.
Register for Text Updates!
To receive text updates, including speaker information, important information, weather cancellations and more regarding Beachmont’s Teen Nights, text teennight to 833-448-0125.
Teen Night Registration Form
In the event of an emergency, Beachmont needs to know who is on the property during Teen Nights.
First Time Attendees
Please fill out this form (you will only need to do this once this summer!).
Returning Attendees
Provide your name to one of the staff members at the RETURNING SIGN-IN table.
Visitor Requirements and Additional Information
All Teen Night participants must agree to abide by the Guest Standards. Upon arrival, each teen will need to sign in at the entrance tables located in the parking lot. For churches and Youth Groups who come together, while not required, we kindly ask that you consider bringing a few adults to help with supervision.
7:00 to 8:30 pm: Activity Time
Basketball courts
Swimming Pool
Ultimate Frisbee
“Poison” (Beachmont’s version of dodgeball)
Gaga pit, volleyball and horseshoes
Refreshment Stand – purchase snacks between 7 and 8 pm! Food options include chips,
ice cream, candy, various drinks, etc.
8:30 - 9:30 PM: Worship and Message
Ending time varies due to different speakers
2024 Dates and Speakers
June 18: Dave Moyer
June 25: Gianna Maisel
July 2: Rick Myers
July 9: Josh Gorman
July 16: Todd Gaddy
July 23: Ryan Spaulding
July 30: Michael Kearny
August 6: Evan Chase
August 13: Joe Barranco
August 20: Brendan Beale